Wikipedia:Featured pictures thumbs/84
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This page is related to Wikipedia:Featured pictures.
The category Featured pictures shows the thumbnails listed alphabetically.
Giles Alexander Smith
Siege of Recife
Richard Serra
Teresa Brambilla
Lord Babberley crossdressing as the fake Charley's Aunt
Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History
Pardachirus marmoratus
El Escorial
Martin Luther King Jr. is welcomed with a kiss from his wife
Charles Roscoe Savage
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Chromodoris annae
Broad-billed motmot
Arthur Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder
The US Navy ferries troops across the Rhine
A woman being taught to drive a streetcar
Eunice aphroditois
Tropical striped triplefin
Strawberry poison-dart frog
Frederick George D'Utassy
Hyacinth macaw